New Article About Julieann & Midwest Educational Therapists

Today we’d like to introduce you to Julieann Ash. Hi Julieann, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today.“You think differently.” These were the powerful words from my brother’s speech therapist which changed my life when I was in fourth grade. At that point, I couldn’t read, write or remember math facts. I struggled to keep track of things and basically had lost hope that I would ever be successful in school or even worth much as a person. Once I learned how my brain worked, the feeling of joy and success was indescribable. I decided right then and there that I was going to learn how to help other people so no one ever had to struggle the way that I did. In 1996 I moved to Columbus, Ohio, and later became a Board-Certified Educational Therapist; at that time, I was the only Educational Therapist in the state. In 2000, I started a private practice to help individuals who learn differently. In 2011, I founded Midwest Educational Therapy & Associates (META). For the last 12 years, our team has supported struggling learners as they become resourceful, resilient, and self-reliant students. We focus on their strengths in order for them to build tools that allow them to become stronger learners and ultimately happier people. Read the full article ->
Is Your Child Overloaded, Exhausted And Doesn’t Know Where To Start?

Check out the following tips to help with prioritization! If you’d like some more strategies or ideas for your child don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Midwest Educational Therapy and Associates Facebook, YouTube channel and at www.metaoh.
Is Summer Really Over?

How is it the middle of August already? Our local stores sent out the subtle reminders with school supplies lining end caps and store fronts beginning in early July. While kids and adults alike are getting the end of summer blues and back to school jitters. Trying to get back into routines and building schedules. A mixture of nervousness and excitement for the new year as back to school shopping commences and new teacher assignments are made. As we begin the 2022-2023 school year in order to set up your student and your family for success it is important to reflect on the previous year. HOw do you do that? Here are some simple practices to get your family on track from the beginning:. Use back to school time to celebrate past successes and use those successes as a way to create ideas and build strategies for an even better new year. If you’d like some more strategies or ideas for your child don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Midwest Educational Therapy and Associates Facebook, YouTube channel and at
Find Your Summer Friends!

As summer ramps up with social activities like vacations, visits to the pool or hanging out with others, kids and teens can struggle to make connections to friends. Summer is a great time to deepen friendships and work on social skills. Looking ahead, setting up structured social times and having good social role models or wingmen, can go a long way to help make the summer more enjoyable. For more information, reach out to us on our Midwest Educational Therapy and Associates Facebook page or YouTube channel.