We inspire resourceful, resilient and self-reliant learners!

Educational Therapists identify learning difficulties using approaches that take into account the social, emotional and neurobiological factors that impact an individual’s learning. 

We use a wide variety of assessments to clearly identify the nature and extent of blocks to an individual’s


We develop personalized strategies to address learning challenges such as ADD/ADHD, executive function issues: dyslexia, autism spectrum disorders, language processing problems, math difficulties, poor motivation, low academic self-esteem.

Help Your Child

We foster independence, increased responsibility and self-advocacy so that you can take personal control of your learning. Work with us to…

  • Identify roadblocks to success
  • Develop learning strategies
  • Improve organizational skills
  • Enhance personal and academic success

advocacy & support

We communicate with significant members of the client’s world — family, teachers, other professionals, and employers in order to better develop productive support strategies or accommodations.

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Educational Therapy is perfect for struggling students. Take the quiz to find out if educational therapy will help your child.



Mariel M.

I have used Julieann and her team at Midwest Educational therapists for a little over 4 years. Midwest Educational Therapists not only care about your student’s success in the classroom but what happens outside the classroom as well. They use a wholesome approach to academics to make sure the child’s success is not just for now but it’s for years to come. I personally had been on academic probation in college when coming to Midwest Educational therapists and now four years later I graduated college with a B+ average and I’m attending graduate school at Rutgers University.

Glenna A.

Julieann Ash has kept more kids in school than any lawsuit that has ever been filed. Her wholistic approach to learning is exactly what our son needed, not only to survive but to thrive in school. Our son worked with this group from kindergarten through high school graduation. Without Julieann and her group, the success that our son has today would not have been achieved. We wholeheartedly endorse Midwest Educational Therapists & Associates.

Siobhan W.

Without the support of META, I am certain that my children's school experiences would have been far less successful and my level of parental stress and frustration far greater. I highly recommended the services of Julieann Ash and the educational therapists of META.

Sherri N.

My daughter is in the 7th grade this year. She adjusted to middle school brilliantly and although the school year is just a couple of months in, her grades range from B+ to A+. She is organized, starts and completes homework on her own, and although reading is still not her favorite thing, it doesn’t slow her down and doesn’t cause tears. I seriously do not know where we would be today if we had not had META.

LG, Client.

META and working with Janelle has made my organization skills so much better and really helped me with school!

JB, Client.

META has made my writing/english skills better. Working with Janelle has made my grades and classes go better in school. Another way they helped is with organization and that has helped me in school for the last several years.

NV, Client.

META has help me become more organized with my work and has helped me break down projects into smaller pieces so that I am not as overwhelmed. Janelle has also help me find easier ways of working on projects so it’s not as big.

Susan, Parent.

Not only did you touch your students lives, you also touched the lives of the families. I, too, will always remember the special care you gave to everyone you touched. My daughter is now teaching young students. I am sure she uses some of the strategies, techniques, and skills she learned from you, our beloved Carol Strip Whitney.

Todd Williams, Former Student.

Mrs. Carol Strip Whitney. She saw unimaginable futures in all her students, and creatively made us strive to be better humans. I will always live with her in my ear. May God bless you woman. I know you blessed me!

Beth Petikas

God has blessed you with your love for all the gifted children that you have so brilliantly guided to be who they are. This is just the first of many many years to come!

Nelson Yoder

Thank you! Your teaching had a tremendously positive impact on me during the formative years of school. Thank you so much for being an incredible educator, I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be in your program.

Lisa B., Parent of a High School Student.

During the time my daughter has been working with specialists at Meta, she has learned that she is smart, capable, and valued. Though she may have differences in learning, she has strategies to address challenges that may arise. She has gained confidence in advocating for herself, in knowing what she needs to learn successfully, and how to apply what she has learned/strategies to daily life not only academics.

Emily, Parent of Client.

Angela with META has been an important part of my child's team for two years. She tailors lessons to current needs, helps with homework, cheerleads success, helps troubleshoot challenges. She also works on social skills and anxiety. My child looks forward to seeing Angela each week.



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