Is Summer Really Over?

How is it the middle of August already? Our local stores sent out the subtle reminders with school supplies lining end caps and store fronts beginning in early July. While kids and adults alike are getting the end of summer blues and back to school jitters. Trying to get back into routines and building schedules. A mixture of nervousness and excitement for the new year as back to school shopping commences and new teacher assignments are made. 

As we begin the 2022-2023 school year in order to set up your student and your family for success it is important to reflect on the previous year. HOw do you do that? Here are some simple practices to get your family on track from the beginning:.

  • Look at what went well last year & Write down three things. Examples – Did they turn in homework on time? DId they have success sitting in front of the classroom? How were their after-school routines? Think about why these went well and how you could continue to be successful this year.
  • Look at Where your child lost points. Look for patterns.
    • Were their homework grades low? 
    • Were their tests/quizzes low? 
    • Did they have Incomplete or late projects?
      • If any of these happened Use visual techniques to help remind your child of what tasks and assignments are coming up.
  • Was your child working harder than they needed to, or working harder than their peers to get finished?
    • Did they start earlier and work later?
      • If so, make a list from planners/Schoology for each night’s homeWork.  
  • Did your child get distracted doing homework and not get finished?
    • To combat this, check their working environment. DO they have a designated working space, maybe they need a “mi9ni” home office?

Use back to school time to celebrate past successes and use those successes as a way to create ideas and build strategies for an even better new year. If you’d like some more strategies or ideas for your child don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Midwest Educational

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