Test Taking Skills

While many students dread them, standardized tests are a reality for  students of all ages. Even toddlers are now being subjected to standardized  tests, with some schools beginning to administer screening tests to students  as young as two. So it’s never too early for kids to learn how to best prepare  for and take standardized tests. 

Some kids are naturally good test takers. They can stay calm and focused,  their mind remains clear and uncluttered, and they can quickly and easily get  down the answers they need. But for other kids, test taking can be a real  challenge. Their minds may wander, they may get nervous and jittery, and they may have difficulty concentrating and focusing. 

But with a little bit of practice, all kids can improve their test taking skills.  Here are a few tips: 

  1. Get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast before the test. 
  2. Arrive at the test site early, so you can familiarize yourself with the  surroundings and get settled. 
  3. Read all the questions carefully and make sure you understand what is being  asked. 
  4. Answer the questions that you know first, so you can build up your  confidence and get into a rhythm. 
  5. If you don’t know the answer to a question, take a guess. There’s no penalty  for wrong answers on most standardized tests. 
  6. Stay calm and focused. 

If you feel like you’re losing focus or are getting anxious, take a break. A few  minutes of relaxation can help clear your mind and refresh you so you can  continue. 

These are just a few basic tips. To get the most out of your studying and  practice, it’s a good idea to find a tutor or test prep course that can help you 

specifically with the type of standardized test you will be taking. 

Helping kids develop best test taking skills can set them up for success in  school and beyond. Some general tips to help students succeed in test  taking environments include: being well-prepared, taking practice tests,  knowing the format of the test, reading the questions carefully, and  answering the questions to the best of their ability. A variety of other  techniques and strategies can be helpful for different students, so parents  and educators should work with kids to determine what works best for them.

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